Welcome to the TS2MP4 documentation page. Here you will find comprehensive information on the TS2MP4 library, including its features, installation instructions, usage guide, and code examples.
- Convert TS (Transport Stream) video files to MP4 format
- High-quality conversion with minimal loss of video or audio quality
- Support for both MPEG-2 and H.264 encoded TS files
- Conversion of multiple TS files in batch mode
- Customizable output settings, including resolution, bitrate, and framerate
- Seamless integration with popular programming languages such as Objective-C, Swift, and others
- Compatible with iOS and macOS platforms
TS2MP4 can be easily installed using Cocoapods, a popular dependency manager for iOS and macOS projects.
Step 1: Open your terminal and navigate to your project’s root directory.
Step 2: Run the following command to install Cocoapods if you haven’t already:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Step 3: Create a file named ‘Podfile’ in your project’s root directory.
Step 4: Open the ‘Podfile’ and add the following line:
pod 'TS2MP4'
Step 5: Save the ‘Podfile’ and run the following command in your terminal:
pod install
Step 6: Close your Xcode project and open the newly created ‘.xcworkspace’ file.
Usage Guide
To convert TS video files to MP4 format using TS2MP4, follow these steps:
- Import the TS2MP4 framework into your project.
- Import the necessary TS2MP4 classes into your code file.
- Create an instance of the TS2MP4Converter class.
- Specify the input TS file path and the desired output MP4 file path.
- Optionally, customize the output settings using the available properties and methods.
- Call the `convert` method of the TS2MP4Converter instance to start the conversion.
Code Examples
Here are some code examples demonstrating the usage of TS2MP4:
// Import TS2MP4 framework
import TS2MP4
// Create TS2MP4Converter instance
let converter = TS2MP4Converter()
// Set input and output file paths
converter.inputFilePath = "/path/to/input.ts"
converter.outputFilePath = "/path/to/output.mp4"
// Customize output settings (optional)
converter.resolution = CGSize(width: 1280, height: 720)
converter.bitrate = 5000
// Start the conversion process
converter.convert { success, error in
if success {
print("Conversion successful!")
} else if let error = error {
print("Conversion failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Congratulations! You have successfully learned about TS2MP4 and its capabilities. With this library, you can easily convert TS video files to MP4 format with high quality and minimal effort. Happy coding!