The TFY_LayoutCategoryKit is a powerful layout solution for iOS that provides a collection of commonly used layout categories to simplify UI development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this library will help you create complex and responsive layouts with ease.
About TFY_LayoutCategoryKit
TFY_LayoutCategoryKit is designed to enhance the default layout capabilities provided by UIKit. It extends UIView with additional layout categories that allow you to define constraints and manage view layouts programmatically. By using TFY_LayoutCategoryKit, you can say goodbye to tedious NSLayoutConstraint code and achieve more readable, maintainable and concise layout code.
- Easy-to-use and intuitive API for layout constraints
- Support for Auto Layout and Size Classes
- Responsive and adaptive layouts for different device sizes and orientations
- Support for creating constraints in Interface Builder with @IBInspectable properties
- Convenient category methods to modify layout attributes of existing views
- Support for safe area layout guide and margins
To install TFY_LayoutCategoryKit in your project, follow these steps:
Using CocoaPods
1. Install CocoaPods if you haven’t already by running the following command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
2. Navigate to your project directory in Terminal and run this command to create a Podfile if you don’t have one:
pod init
3. Open the Podfile using a text editor and add the following line:
pod 'TFY_LayoutCategoryKit'
4. Save the Podfile and run this command in Terminal:
pod install
5. Close your Xcode workspace and open the newly generated .xcworkspace
Manual Installation
If you prefer not to use CocoaPods, you can manually install TFY_LayoutCategoryKit into your project:
1. Download the latest version of TFY_LayoutCategoryKit from the official GitHub repository.
2. Unzip the downloaded file and copy the TFY_LayoutCategoryKit
folder into your Xcode project.
3. In Xcode, navigate to your project’s > General settings tab > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section.
4. Drag and drop the TFY_LayoutCategoryKit.framework
file from your project navigator to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section.
5. Make sure to select Embed & Sign under the Embed column for TFY_LayoutCategoryKit.framework
in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section.
6. Build and run your project in Xcode.
To start using TFY_LayoutCategoryKit in your project, follow these steps:
Import the Library
In the Swift file where you want to use TFY_LayoutCategoryKit, import the module:
import TFY_LayoutCategoryKit
Create Constraints
Once you’ve imported the library, you can create layout constraints using the provided categories. Here is a simple example:
// Constraints with respect to another view
view1.tfy_DistributeViewsAlongAxis(tfy_Vertical, fixedSpacing: 10, leadSpacing: 0, tailSpacing: 0)
view2.tfy_LayoutWithInsets(UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 20))
// Constraints with respect to superview
view1.tfy_LeftSpaceToView(self.view, 20)
view1.tfy_RightSpaceToView(self.view, 20)
Contributions are welcome! If you have a suggestion or found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the official GitHub repository.
TFY_LayoutCategoryKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.