SSCWhatsAppActivity is a customizable, drop-in UI activity that allows users to easily send text messages using WhatsApp. It provides a simple and efficient solution for incorporating WhatsApp messaging functionality into your iOS app. With SSCWhatsAppActivity, users can quickly compose messages and share them with their contacts on WhatsApp.
- Integrates seamlessly with WhatsApp
- Supports the latest iOS versions
- Adapts to different device sizes and orientations
- Customizable appearance and behavior
- Easy to implement and use
SSCWhatsAppActivity is available through the Cocoapods dependency manager. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod ‘SSCWhatsAppActivity’
1. Import the framework
First, import the SSCWhatsAppActivity framework in your view controller:
import SSCWhatsAppActivity
2. Instantiate and present SSCWhatsAppActivity
To present the WhatsApp messaging view, create an instance of SSCWhatsAppActivityViewController with the message content you want to share:
let myActivityController = SSCWhatsAppActivityViewController(message: “Check out this awesome app!”)
self.present(myActivityController, animated: true, completion: nil)
3. Customize appearance (optional)
You can customize the appearance of the SCCWhatsAppActivityViewController by modifying its properties. For example, to change the background color, you can use the backgroundColor
myActivityController.backgroundColor = .white
Here are some other properties you can modify to customize the appearance:
– Changes the text color of the main title.messageTextColor
– Changes the text color of the message being shared.cancelButtonColor
– Changes the color of the cancel button.sendButtonColor
– Changes the color of the send button.
4. Handle callbacks (optional)
If you want to handle events such as message sending completion or cancellation, you can implement the onCompletion
and onCancellation
closures respectively. For example:
myActivityController.onCompletion = {
// Handle message sending completion
myActivityController.onCancellation = {
// Handle message sending cancellation
SSCWhatsAppActivity is compatible with iOS 10.0 and above.
SSCWhatsAppActivity is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
For detailed documentation and usage examples, please refer to the GitHub repository.
SSCWhatsAppActivity provides a convenient way to incorporate WhatsApp messaging functionality into your iOS app. With its flexible customization options and easy integration, you can enhance the user experience and allow seamless communication through WhatsApp. Give it a try and start enhancing your app today!