Plugin Name: SNLInteractionTableView
Plugin URI: https://cocoadocs.org/docsets/snlinteractiontableview
Description: SNLInteractionTableView is a custom table view that allows easy interaction with its cells.
Author: [Your Name]
Author URI: [Your Website]
Version: 1.0
License: GPL2
* SNLInteractionTableView Documentation
* This documentation provides detailed information on how to use the SNLInteractionTableView plugin.
* Installation:
* 1. Download the SNLInteractionTableView plugin from the WordPress plugin directory.
* 2. Extract the plugin zip file.
* 3. Upload the snlinteractiontableview folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
* 4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
* 5. You can now start using SNLInteractionTableView on your website.
* Usage:
* 1. After installing and activating the plugin, you can use the SNLInteractionTableView shortcode in any post or page.
* Example shortcode: [snl_interaction_table_view]
* 2. Within the shortcode, you can customize the appearance and functionality of the table view using various parameters.
* Available Parameters:
* – cell_text_color: The color of the cell text. Example value: #333333 (default: #000000)
* – cell_background_color: The background color of the cells. Example value: #ffffff (default: #f2f2f2)
* – cell_border_color: The border color of the cells. Example value: #cccccc (default: #dddddd)
* – cell_border_width: The width of the cell borders in pixels. Example value: 1 (default: 0)
* 3. You can also provide data for the table view by embedding the desired content within the shortcode.
* Example shortcode with data:
* [snl_interaction_table_view]
* [table_cell]Cell 1[/table_cell]
* [table_cell]Cell 2[/table_cell]
* [table_cell]Cell 3[/table_cell]
* [/snl_interaction_table_view]
* 4. Save/update your post or page to see the SNLInteractionTableView in action.
* For more information, please refer to the plugin’s website at [Plugin URI].
* Frequently Asked Questions
* Q: Can I customize the appearance of the table view?
* A: Yes, you can use various parameters within the shortcode to customize the appearance of the table view.
* Q: How do I add data to the table view?
* A: You can add table cells by embedding the desired content within the shortcode.
* Q: Can I use this plugin on multiple pages?
* A: Yes, you can use the SNLInteractionTableView shortcode on any post or page.
* Q: Can I use HTML markup within the table cells?
* A: Yes, you can use HTML markup to customize the content of the table cells.
* Q: Is support available for this plugin?
* A: Yes, you can contact our support team at [Author URI] for any assistance regarding the plugin.
* For more FAQs, please visit the plugin’s website at [Plugin URI].
* Changelog
* 1.0
* – Initial release
* For the complete list of changes and updates, please visit the plugin’s website at [Plugin URI].
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