Welcome to the documentation for the Quick Segue Framework. This framework provides an efficient and easy way to handle segues in iOS applications developed with Swift.
To start using the Quick Segue Framework in your iOS application, follow these steps:
1. Open your Xcode project.
2. Navigate to the project directory in Finder.
3. Locate the ‘Podfile’ and open it.
4. Add the following line to the target section of your ‘Podfile’:
pod ‘SMQuickSegue’
5. Save the ‘Podfile’.
6. Open Terminal and navigate to the project directory.
7. Run the command ‘pod install’ to install the Quick Segue Framework.
8. Once the installation is complete, open your Xcode project again.
To use the Quick Segue Framework in your Swift code, follow these steps:
1. Import the Quick Segue Framework at the top of your Swift file:
import SMQuickSegue
2. Implement the ‘SMQuickSegue’ protocol in your source view controller:
class MyViewController: UIViewController, SMQuickSegue {
// …
3. Implement the ‘segueConfiguration(segueIdentifier:)’ method to configure segues in your source view controller:
func segueConfiguration(segueIdentifier: String) -> SMQuickSegueConfiguration? {
switch segueIdentifier {
case “segue1”:
return .modal(destinationIdentifier: “myModalViewController”)
case “segue2”:
return .push(destinationIdentifier: “myDetailViewController”)
return nil
4. In your storyboard, set the ‘Storyboard ID’ for the destination view controller as configured in the ‘segueConfiguration’ method of your source view controller.
The Quick Segue Framework supports the following configuration options for segues:
1. Push Segue:
– Configuration enum: `.push(destinationIdentifier: String)`
– Description: Pushes the destination view controller onto the navigation stack.
– Parameters:
– `destinationIdentifier`: String – The storyboard identifier of the destination view controller.
2. Modal Segue:
– Configuration enum: `.modal(destinationIdentifier: String)`
– Description: Presents the destination view controller modally.
– Parameters:
– `destinationIdentifier`: String – The storyboard identifier of the destination view controller.
Here are a few examples illustrating the usage of the Quick Segue Framework:
1. Push Segue Example:
– Source View Controller (Swift code):
func segueConfiguration(segueIdentifier: String) -> SMQuickSegueConfiguration? {
switch segueIdentifier {
case “exampleSegue”:
return .push(destinationIdentifier: “destinationViewController”)
return nil
– Storyboard (Identity Inspector):
– Segue Identifier: “exampleSegue”
– Destination Class: ‘DestinationViewController’
– Destination Storyboard ID: “destinationViewController”
2. Modal Segue Example:
– Source View Controller (Swift code):
func segueConfiguration(segueIdentifier: String) -> SMQuickSegueConfiguration? {
switch segueIdentifier {
case “exampleSegue”:
return .modal(destinationIdentifier: “modalViewController”)
return nil
– Storyboard (Identity Inspector):
– Segue Identifier: “exampleSegue”
– Destination Class: ‘ModalViewController’
– Destination Storyboard ID: “modalViewController”
This concludes the documentation for the Quick Segue Framework. You are now equipped with the knowledge to efficiently handle segues in your iOS applications using Swift.