Welcome to the documentation for SidePanel, a versatile side panel navigation library for your iOS app. This documentation will guide you through the installation process, provide an overview of the available features, and offer code examples to help you integrate SidePanel into your project effectively.
In order to use SidePanel, ensure that you have the following software installed:
- Xcode 10 or later
- iOS 11.0 or later
To install SidePanel in your project, follow these steps:
- Open your project in Xcode
- Add the SidePanel framework to your project:
- Option 1: Using CocoaPods:
- Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SidePanel'
- Run
pod install
in Terminal
- Add the following line to your Podfile:
- Option 2: Manual installation:
- Download the latest SidePanel framework from GitHub
- Drag and drop the framework into your Xcode project
- Ensure “Copy items if needed” is checked
- Add the framework to your target’s Embedded Binaries
- Option 1: Using CocoaPods:
- Import the SidePanel module in your view controller:
import SidePanel
SidePanel allows you to easily create and customize side panel navigation in your app. To integrate SidePanel into your project:
- Create an instance of SidePanelViewController:
let sidePanelViewController = SidePanelViewController()
- Configure your side panel options:
sidePanelViewController.backgroundColor = .white
sidePanelViewController.menuWidth = 200
sidePanelViewController.animationDuration = 0.3
- Add the side panel content and menu items:
sidePanelViewController.contentViewController = YourContentViewController()
sidePanelViewController.menuItems = [“Item 1”, “Item 2”, “Item 3”]
- Present the side panel:
present(sidePanelViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
You can further customize the appearance and behavior of SidePanel to fit your app’s style and functionality. The following properties are available:
- backgroundColor: Set the background color of the side panel.
- menuWidth: Adjust the width of the side panel menu.
- animationDuration: Specify the animation duration when opening or closing the side panel.
- contentViewController: Set the content view controller displayed on the main screen.
- menuItems: Provide an array of strings for the side panel menu items.
Below are some code examples to demonstrate common scenarios. Feel free to adapt them to your specific needs:
Example 1: Customizing SidePanel Appearance
Change the background color and adjust the menu width:
let sidePanelViewController = SidePanelViewController()
sidePanelViewController.backgroundColor = .black
sidePanelViewController.menuWidth = 250
Example 2: Adding Content View Controller
Set a custom content view controller:
sidePanelViewController.contentViewController = MyCustomContentViewController()
Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed SidePanel in your project and learned the basics of usage and customization. Refer to the provided examples for more advanced scenarios. Enjoy using SidePanel to enhance your app’s side panel navigation!