Welcome to the documentation for the SHWebViewBlocks library! This library provides convenient blocks-based wrappers around the UIWebView and WKWebView classes, allowing you to easily integrate web views into your iOS applications.
Getting Started
To get started with SHWebViewBlocks, you need to follow these steps:
- Install the library using Cocoapods or manually downloading the source code.
- Import the SHWebViewBlocks module in your project.
- Create an instance of SHWebViewBlocks or SHWKWebViewBlocks.
- Set the frame or constraints for the web view.
- Load a web page using the loadRequest or loadHTMLString methods.
- Customize the web view behavior using configuration options.
Using Cocoapods
To install SHWebViewBlocks using Cocoapods, add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SHWebViewBlocks'
Then, run the pod install
command in the terminal.
Manual Installation
If you prefer to install the library manually, follow these steps:
- Download the source code from the GitHub repository
- Drag and drop the SHWebViewBlocks folder into your Xcode project
- Ensure that “Copy items if needed” is selected
- Import the SHWebViewBlocks module in your project
Using SHWebViewBlocks is straightforward:
- Create an instance of SHWebViewBlocks or SHWKWebViewBlocks:
- Load a web page:
- Customize the web view behavior:
// Example using UIWebView
let webView = SHWebViewBlocks(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, height: view.frame.height))
// Example loading a URL
let url = URL(string: "")
webView.loadRequest(URLRequest(url: url!))
// Example enabling JavaScript
webView.configuration.preferences.javaScriptEnabled = true
Configuration Options
SHWebViewBlocks provides several configuration options to customize the web view behavior. Here are some of the available options:
- javaScriptEnabled: Enables or disables JavaScript execution in the web view.
- scalesPageToFit: Automatically scales web content to fit the view.
- allowsInlineMediaPlayback: Allows the playback of HTML5 media elements(inline).
- mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction: Requires user action to start HTML5 media playback.
These are just a few examples. For a complete list of available configuration options, refer to the official documentation.
Additional Features
SHWebViewBlocks offers additional features to enhance your web view integration:
- Blocks-based event handling: Easily handle events such as page load completion, error, or navigation requests using blocks.
- Progress tracking: Track the progress of page loading using a progress bar or any custom UI element.
- Gesture recognition: Add custom gestures for specific interactions with the web view.
These features provide a great foundation for building customized web view experiences within your iOS application.
Congratulations! You are now equipped with the necessary information to integrate SHWebViewBlocks into your iOS application. Enjoy the seamless integration of web views with the power of blocks-based programming!