ShuColorPicker is a simple and customizable color picker library for iOS. It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting colors and supports various color formats. With ShuColorPicker, you can easily integrate a color picker into your iOS app and allow users to choose colors effortlessly.
– Customizable interface: ShuColorPicker allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the color picker to match the design of your app.
– Multiple color formats: This library supports various color formats, including RGB, HSV, and Hex. Users can easily switch between different formats depending on their preference.
– Intuitive color selection: ShuColorPicker provides a simple and intuitive interface for selecting colors. Users can interact with a color wheel, sliders, or text fields to choose colors accurately.
– Color preview: The library offers a convenient color preview area, where users can see the selected color in real-time before confirming their choice.
– Easy integration: With detailed documentation and code examples, integrating ShuColorPicker into your app is straightforward and hassle-free.
– Lightweight and efficient: ShuColorPicker is designed to be lightweight and efficient, ensuring smooth and responsive color picking experience for users.
To integrate ShuColorPicker into your iOS app, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Installation
You can install ShuColorPicker using CocoaPods. Simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod ‘ShuColorPicker’
Then run `pod install` command in the terminal to install the dependency.
Step 2: Import
In the relevant ViewController, import `ShuColorPicker` using the following import statement:
import ShuColorPicker
Step 3: Implement the color picker
Instantiate a `ShuColorPickerViewController` object and present it in your ViewController. You can customize the appearance and behavior of the color picker as needed.
let colorPicker = ShuColorPickerViewController()
present(colorPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
Step 4: Access the selected color
To retrieve the selected color, implement the delegate method `colorPicker(selectedColor:)`. This method will be called when the user confirms their color choice.
func colorPicker(selectedColor: UIColor) {
// Use the selected color as needed
ShuColorPicker provides several customization options to tailor the appearance and behavior of the color picker to your app’s requirements. The following are some of the available customization options:
Color Formats
You can specify the default color format that will be displayed to the user. To do this, set the `defaultColorFormat` property of the `ShuColorPickerViewController` object. For example:
colorPicker.defaultColorFormat = .hex
You can customize various aspects of the color picker’s appearance, including the color wheel’s size, the slider’s width, and the preview area’s border color. Modify the corresponding properties of `ShuColorPickerViewController` to achieve the desired look. For example:
colorPicker.colorWheelSize = CGSize(width: 250, height: 250)
colorPicker.sliderWidth = 10
colorPicker.previewAreaBorderColor = .red
The color picker supports localization and can be translated into different languages. To change the language displayed in the color picker, set the desired localization using the `Bundle` class, before presenting the color picker. For example:
let bundle = Bundle(for: ShuColorPickerViewController.self)
let localizedString = NSLocalizedString(“Confirm”, bundle: bundle, comment: “”)
colorPicker.confirmButtonTitle = localizedString
ShuColorPicker is a versatile and user-friendly color picker library for iOS. It enables seamless color selection in your app and offers customization options to match your app’s design. By following the provided steps, you can easily integrate ShuColorPicker into your iOS app and provide users with an intuitive color picking experience.
We hope you find this documentation useful. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team.