## Introduction
This is a detailed documentation for the “SHTUITextFieldBlocks” library, designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of its features, installation, usage, and customization options. Please follow the outlined sections to effectively utilize this library in your projects.
## Table of Contents
– Installation
– Using CocoaPods
– Manual Installation
– Getting Started
– Importing the Library
– Basic Usage
– Customization
– Changing Appearance
– Available Properties
– Delegation
– Advanced Usage
– Additional Features
– Advanced Configuration
– Frequently Asked Questions
– Q1: How do I handle keyboard events?
– Q2: Can I use custom validation with this library?
– Q3: How can I limit the input to a specific character set?
– Conclusion
## Installation
### Using CocoaPods
To install the SHTUITextFieldBlocks library using CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile:
pod ‘SHTUITextFieldBlocks’
Then, run the `pod install` command to fetch and integrate the library into your project.
### Manual Installation
To manually install the SHTUITextFieldBlocks library, follow these steps:
1. Download the library from [GitHub](https://github.com/SolarCodeOpenSource/SHTUITextFieldBlocks).
2. Unzip the file and locate the “SHTUITextFieldBlocks” directory.
3. Copy the directory into your project’s directory.
4. In Xcode, navigate to your project’s settings, select your target, and go to the “General” tab.
5. Scroll down to find the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section.
6. Click on the “+” button and select the “Add Other” option.
7. Navigate to the “SHTUITextFieldBlocks” directory you copied in step 3 and select the “SHTUITextFieldBlocks.xcodeproj” file.
8. In your project’s target settings, go to the “Build Phases” tab.
9. Expand the “Target Dependencies” section and click on the “+” button.
10. Select the “SHTUITextFieldBlocks” framework and click “Add”.
## Getting Started
### Importing the Library
To import the SHTUITextFieldBlocks library into your project, add the following line at the top of your Swift file:
import SHTUITextFieldBlocks
### Basic Usage
To use the SHTUITextFieldBlocks library in your project, follow these steps:
1. Create an instance of `SHTUITextFieldBlocks`.
2. Set the frame and other properties as needed.
3. Add the instance to your view hierarchy using `addSubview`.
4. Handle text field events and validations using the provided closure blocks.
let textField = SHTUITextFieldBlocks(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 40))
textField.textChangedBlock = { text in
// Handle text changed event
textField.shouldEndEditingBlock = { text in
// Handle should end editing event
return true // Return true to allow editing to end, false otherwise
// Add the text field to your view hierarchy
## Customization
### Changing Appearance
You can customize the appearance of the SHTUITextFieldBlocks library by modifying its properties. Some of the available properties include:
– `textColor`: Changes the color of the text.
– `placeholder`: Sets the text field’s placeholder.
– `font`: Changes the font used for the text.
– `borderStyle`: Sets the border style for the text field.
– `backgroundColor`: Changes the background color of the text field.
### Available Properties
– `text`: The current text content of the text field.
– `placeholder`: The placeholder text to display when the text field is empty.
– `secureTextEntry`: Boolean value indicating whether to display the text as secure (password) or not.
– `keyboardType`: The type of keyboard to be displayed.
– `returnKeyType`: The type of return key to be displayed.
– `clearButtonMode`: The mode to display the clear button.
– `autocapitalizationType`: The type of auto-capitalization to apply.
### Delegation
Implement the `UITextFieldDelegate` methods to handle additional events and functionalities. Example delegate methods include:
– `textFieldShouldBeginEditing`
– `textFieldDidBeginEditing`
– `textFieldShouldEndEditing`
– `textFieldDidEndEditing`
– `textFieldShouldReturn`
## Advanced Usage
### Additional Features
The SHTUITextFieldBlocks library provides additional features such as validation, input limitations, and character set restriction. Review the library’s documentation for more information on utilizing these features.
### Advanced Configuration
For advanced configurations, you can subclass the `SHTUITextFieldBlocks` to extend and customize functionalities according to your requirements.
class CustomTextField: SHTUITextFieldBlocks {
// Override or add additional properties and methods for custom behaviors
## Frequently Asked Questions
### Q1: How do I handle keyboard events?
You can handle keyboard events using the delegate methods provided by the `UITextFieldDelegate`. For example, implement the `textFieldShouldReturn` method to handle an event when the return key is pressed.
### Q2: Can I use custom validation with this library?
Yes, you can. Utilize the `shouldEndEditingBlock` closure to perform custom validation on the input text. Based on your validation logic, return `true` to allow the editing to end or `false` to prevent it.
### Q3: How can I limit the input to a specific character set?
To restrict the user input to a specific character set, you can handle the `textChangedBlock` and validate the text using regular expressions or comparison against the desired character set. If the input does not meet your criteria, update the text accordingly or inform the user about the restriction.
## Conclusion
Congratulations! You have successfully installed and learned the basics of using the SHTUITextFieldBlocks library. You can now seamlessly incorporate advanced features and customize the library according to your project’s requirements. For more detailed information, please refer to the library’s official documentation and examples.