Welcome to the documentation for the shfastenumerationprotocols library. This library provides a set of protocols that extend the functionality of fast enumeration in Objective-C. It is designed to simplify and enhance common operations performed with fast enumeration, making your code more concise and expressive.
To use the shfastenumerationprotocols library in your project, follow the steps below:
- Open your Xcode project.
- Go to the project settings.
- Select your target.
- Go to the “General” tab.
- Scroll down to the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section.
- Click the “+” button.
- Search for “shfastenumerationprotocols”.
- Select the library and click “Add”.
Protocol 1: SHEnumerable
The SHEnumerable
protocol defines a set of methods that can be used to perform operations on a collection in a concise and efficient manner.
- each:
Executes a provided block for each element in the collection.- filter:
Returns a new collection containing only the elements that satisfy the provided condition.- map:
Returns a new collection with the results of applying a provided block to each element.
Protocol 2: SHFastEnumeration
The SHFastEnumeration
protocol provides a way to iterate over a collection using fast enumeration, with additional features.
- reversed:
Returns a new collection that iterates over the elements in reverse order.- shuffled:
Returns a new collection with the elements in a random order.- reduced:
Returns a single value by applying a provided block to all elements and accumulating the result.
Example 1: Using SHEnumerable
Let’s say we have an array of numbers and we want to calculate the sum of all even numbers using the SHEnumerable
[array filter:^(NSNumber *num) {
return num.intValue % 2 == 0;
.reduce(0, ^NSInteger(NSInteger result, NSNumber *num) {
return result + num.integerValue;
Example 2: Using SHFastEnumeration
Now let’s see how we can reverse an array using the SHFastEnumeration
[array reversed];
The shfastenumerationprotocols library provides a convenient set of protocols for enhancing the functionality of fast enumeration in Objective-C. By using these protocols, you can make your code more concise and expressive, improving the efficiency of collection operations. Enjoy using shfastenumerationprotocols in your projects!