Introduction to SHActionSheetBlocks
SHActionSheetBlocks is a nifty utility that lets you leverage the power of UIKit’s UIActionSheet with the ease and simplicity of blocks. This feature simplifies the handling of user responses on iOS, reducing the necessity of using delegation or other methods to keep track of user interaction. If you want an easy-to-handle, block-based API to deal with UIActionSheet prompts, SHActionSheetBlocks is an ideal toolkit.
You can install the SHActionSheetBlocks toolkit using CocoaPods. Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SHActionSheetBlocks'
To use SHActionSheetBlocks, import the header file in your *.m files:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "SHActionSheetBlocks.h"
We then create an instance of an action sheet, assign it a title, some buttons and their respective completion blocks like so:
UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [UIActionSheet SH_actionSheetWithTitle:@"Action Sheet"];
[actionSheet SH_addButtonCancelWithTitle:@"Cancel" withBlock:^(NSInteger theButtonIndex) {
NSLog(@"Cancel button clicked");
[actionSheet SH_addButtonDestructiveWithTitle:@"Delete" withBlock:^(NSInteger theButtonIndex) {
NSLog(@"Delete button clicked");
[actionSheet SH_addButtonWithTitle:@"Option" withBlock:^(NSInteger theButtonIndex) {
NSLog(@"Option button clicked");
[actionSheet SH_showInView:self.view];
How It Works
SHActionSheetBlocks works by assigning each button in a UIActionSheet an accompanying block of code. When an action sheet button is tapped, its corresponding action block is executed. This eliminates the need to manually connect buttons to actions through other means, simplifying code and making it more manageable. SHActionSheetBlocks is an essential toolkit for iOS developers who want to efficiently manage user interactions in their applications.
SHActionSheetBlocks is compatible with iOS 7.0 or later. It’s a lightweight library that doesn’t add any significant overhead to your apps. Remember to always test your apps thoroughly on all devices and iOS versions that you intend to support.