“Seru is a powerful framework that simplifies development and enhances productivity for iOS and macOS applications. With its intuitive API and extensive documentation, Seru allows developers to build robust and performant apps quickly and efficiently.”
- Modular architecture for easy project structuring
- Dependency manager for managing external libraries
- Integration with CoreData for efficient data management
- User-friendly API for seamless integration and development
- Performance optimizations for faster app launches and smooth user experience
- Support for unit testing and automated testing frameworks
Follow these steps to install Seru in your project:
- Open your project in Xcode and navigate to your project’s directory
- Create a new file named “Podfile” at the root of your project
- Open the “Podfile” and add the following lines:
source 'https://cdn.cocoapods.org/' platform :ios, '12.0' use_frameworks! target 'YourProjectName' do pod 'Seru', '~> 1.0' end
- Save and close the “Podfile”
- Open Terminal and navigate to your project’s directory
- Run the command:
pod install
- Wait for the installation to complete
- Open your project workspace (“.xcworkspace”) instead of the project file (“.xcodeproj”) from now on
Getting Started
To start using Seru in your project, follow these steps:
- Open your project workspace (“.xcworkspace”)
- Create a new Swift file, e.g., “MyViewController.swift”
- Import the Seru module at the top of your file using:
import Seru
- Create a subclass of
and implement your view controller as usual - Start utilizing Seru’s features and API for enhanced development
Refer to the Seru documentation for detailed information on various aspects:
- Introduction: Gain an understanding of Seru’s purpose and benefits.
- SLViewController: Learn how to utilize Seru’s base view controller class and its functionalities.
- Protocols: Explore the available protocols for customization and interaction.
- Constants: Discover the predefined constants for easy integration and configuration.
- Modules: Dive deep into Seru’s modular architecture and how to create and manage modules.
Join the Seru community to get support, share experiences, and stay up-to-date:
- GitHub Repository: Access the official Seru GitHub repository for issue tracking and contributions.
- Discord Server: Join the Seru Discord server to connect with fellow developers and experts.
- Stack Overflow: Search for Seru-related questions or ask your own on Stack Overflow.
“With a growing community of passionate developers, Seru has become a go-to choice for building iOS and macOS applications. Join us and experience the power of Seru for yourself!”