Welcome to the documentation for the ContentfulPersistenceSwift framework!
ContentfulPersistenceSwift is a powerful framework that allows you to seamlessly integrate the Contentful Content Delivery API with your Swift applications. It provides functionality for persisting and managing content retrieved from Contentful in a local database, enabling offline access and improving performance.
Key Features
- Efficiently store and manage content from Contentful in a local database
- Support for offline access to content
- Seamless synchronization of content between local database and Contentful
- Optimized performance for fetching and displaying content from local database
- Straightforward integration with your Swift applications
Getting Started
- Xcode 11 or later
- iOS, macOS, or tvOS deployment target of 11.0 or later
- Basic understanding of Contentful and its APIs
- Familiarity with Swift and using Cocoapods
Manual Installation
If you prefer not to use Cocoapods, you can manually integrate the ContentfulPersistenceSwift framework into your project:
- Download the ContentfulPersistenceSwift framework from the official repository.
- Drag and drop the framework into your Xcode project’s “Frameworks” folder.
- Ensure the framework is properly linked in your project’s settings.
- Add the necessary import statements in your code files.
Cocoapods Installation
To install ContentfulPersistenceSwift using Cocoapods, follow these steps:
- Create or update your Podfile with the following content:
- Save the Podfile and run
pod install
in the Terminal. - Open the generated workspace file and import the framework into your code files.
pod 'ContentfulPersistenceSwift'
Follow the steps below to start using ContentfulPersistenceSwift in your project:
Before you can start using ContentfulPersistenceSwift, you need to configure the necessary settings:
- Import the ContentfulPersistenceSwift framework in your code files.
- Initialize the Contentful client with your API credentials.
- Initialize the ContentfulPersistenceSwift configuration.
- Configure the ContentfulPersistenceSwift with the Contentful client instance and persistence configuration.
import ContentfulPersistenceSwift
// Create a Contentful client instance
let client = Client(spaceId: "YOUR_SPACE_ID", accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN")
// Create a persistence configuration instance
let persistenceConfig = PersistenceConfig(storeType: .sqlite(storeURL: yourSQLiteFileURL))
try? ContentfulPersistenceSwift.setup(client: client, persistenceConfig: persistenceConfig)
Retrieving Content
ContentfulPersistenceSwift provides several methods for fetching content from your Contentful space. Here’s an example of using the `fetchEntries` method to retrieve entries:
// Fetch all entries of a specific content type
let contentTypeQuery = QueryOn(where: .fields( == "yourContentTypeName"))
let entries = try? client.fetchEntries(matching: contentTypeQuery)
Error Handling
ContentfulPersistenceSwift throws various types of errors that you should handle gracefully. Here’s an example of how to do that:
do {
// Perform a ContentfulPersistenceSwift operation
try SomeOperation.perform()
} catch {
// Handle errors
if let contentfulError = error as? ContentfulError {
// Handle Contentful specific errors
print("Contentful error occurred: \(contentfulError)")
} else {
// Handle general errors
print("An error occurred: \(error)")
Advanced Topics
Data Synchronization
ContentfulPersistenceSwift supports synchronization between your local database and the Contentful space. Synchronization ensures that offline changes made to content are merged with the latest content from Contentful.
To enable synchronization, use the `sync` method:
try? client.sync(completion: { (result: Result) in
switch result {
case .success(let syncSpace):
// Handle successful sync and update your local database
case .failure(let error):
// Handle sync error
Additional Information
If you encounter any issues with ContentfulPersistenceSwift or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to contribute to the project:
- Submit bug reports or feature requests on the ContentfulPersistenceSwift GitHub repository.
- Create pull requests with fixes or enhancements.
If you need any assistance or have questions regarding ContentfulPersistenceSwift, please refer to the following resources:
- Official Contentful documentation.
- ContentfulPersistenceSwift GitHub repository.
- Reach out to the Contentful support team.