## Installation
To install the CNSplitView library, you can follow these steps:
1. Open your terminal.
2. Navigate to the directory where your WordPress project is located.
3. Run the following command to install the library:
npm install cnsplitview
## Usage
To use the CNSplitView library in your WordPress Gutenberg editor, follow the steps below:
1. Import the library into your project:
import CNSplitView from ‘cnsplitview’;
2. Initialize the CNSplitView component:
const splitView = new CNSplitView();
3. Customize the split view according to your requirements:
option1: value1,
option2: value2,
// Add any additional options here
4. Render the split view in your Gutenberg editor:
## API
The CNSplitView library provides the following API methods:
### setOptions(options)
Sets the configuration options for the split view.
– `options` (Object): An object containing the desired options and their values.
### render()
Renders the split view in the Gutenberg editor.
## Examples
Below are some examples to help you understand how to use the CNSplitView library effectively.
### Example 1
import CNSplitView from ‘cnsplitview’;
const splitView = new CNSplitView();
option1: value1,
option2: value2,
### Example 2
import CNSplitView from ‘cnsplitview’;
const splitView = new CNSplitView();
option1: value1,
option2: value2,
## Frequently Asked Questions
### How can I customize the appearance of the split view?
You can customize the appearance of the split view by modifying the CSS styles of the elements involved. You can target specific classes or IDs to apply custom styles.
### Can I use multiple split views in a single Gutenberg editor?
Yes, you can use multiple split views in a single Gutenberg editor. Simply instantiate multiple CNSplitView objects and follow the usage instructions for each.
## Conclusion
By following the installation and usage instructions provided in this guide, you should be able to successfully integrate the CNSplitView library into your WordPress Gutenberg editor. Remember to customize the split view as per your requirements and utilize the available API methods to enhance its functionality.