CKDotMatrixView is a versatile and easy-to-use framework for creating dot matrix style displays in your iOS app. It allows you to visualize data in a unique and engaging way.
– Customizable dot matrix display
– Easy integration with iOS projects
– Supports multiple display layouts
– Built-in animations and transitions
To install CKDotMatrixView, follow these steps:
1. Open your Xcode project
2. Go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
3. Enter the repository URL:
4. Select the latest release version
5. Click Next and add the package to your desired target
To add a CKDotMatrixView to your project, follow these steps:
1. Import CKDotMatrixView:
import CKDotMatrixView
2. Create a CKDotMatrixView instance and set its properties as desired:
let dotMatrixView = CKDotMatrixView()
dotMatrixView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200)
dotMatrixView.dotColor = .red
dotMatrixView.textData = “Hello World”
You can customize various properties of the dot matrix display to suit your needs:
– `dotColor`: Sets the color of the dots in the display.
– `bgColor`: Sets the background color of the display.
– `spacing`: Sets the spacing between dots.
– `dotSize`: Sets the size of the dots.
– `textData`: Sets the text to be displayed. Can be a string or a character array.
– `layout`: Sets the layout of the display (horizontal, vertical, or custom).
– `animationType`: Sets the animation type to be applied when displaying the data.
You can update the content of the CKDotMatrixView by simply modifying the `textData` property and calling `updateDisplay`:
dotMatrixView.textData = “New Text”
You can animate the CKDotMatrixView using the following methods:
– `startAnimation()`: Starts the current animation.
– `stopAnimation()`: Stops the current animation.
– `changeAnimation(to:)`: Changes the current animation to the specified animation type.
Here’s an example of how to use CKDotMatrixView:
1. Import CKDotMatrixView:
import CKDotMatrixView
2. Create a CKDotMatrixView instance and set its properties:
let dotMatrixView = CKDotMatrixView()
dotMatrixView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200)
dotMatrixView.dotColor = .blue
dotMatrixView.bgColor = .white
dotMatrixView.spacing = 4
dotMatrixView.dotSize = 8
dotMatrixView.textData = “Hello World”
dotMatrixView.layout = .horizontal
dotMatrixView.animationType = .fade
CKDotMatrixView has the following requirements:
– iOS 12.0+
– Xcode 11.0+
– Swift 5.0+
CKDotMatrixView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.