Welcome to the documentation for the CHGAdapter Swift library. This library provides a powerful and flexible way to handle data binding in your iOS application. With CHGAdapter, you can easily organize your data into sections and cells, and update your UI in a seamless and efficient manner.
Getting Started
- First, open your terminal and navigate to your project directory.
- Run the following command to install CHGAdapter using Cocoapods:
pod 'CHGAdapter_Swift'
- Import the CHGAdapter module in your Swift file:
import CHGAdapter_Swift
Section and Cell Setup
CHGAdapter allows you to organize your data into sections and cells. Sections are collections of cells, and cells contain the actual data that you want to display. Here’s how you can set up sections and cells:
let adapter = CHGCollectionViewAdapter()
adapter.register(sectionName: "MySection", with: MySection.self) // Example section class
adapter.register(cellName: "MyCell", with: MyCell.self) // Example cell class
adapter.numberOfSectionsInTableView { (tableView) -> Int in
return // return the total number of sections
adapter.tableViewAdapterNumberOfRowsInSection { (tableView, section) -> Int in
return // return the number of cells in the given section
adapter.tableViewAdapterCellForRowAtIndexPath { (tableView, indexPath) -> UITableViewCell in
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "MyCell", for: indexPath) as! MyCell
// customize and configure the cell
return cell
viewController.tableView.adapter = adapter
Data Binding
Data binding is a fundamental feature of CHGAdapter. It allows you to connect your data to your UI elements in an automatic and reactive way. Here’s how you can bind your data:
// Assume you have an array of MyData objects
let myDataArray: [MyData] = [/* Your data objects */]
// Create a section object and add it to the adapter
let section = CHGCollectionViewSection()
section.cellDatas = myDataArray
// In your cell class, implement the "configWith" method to update your UI
class MyCell: CHGCollectionViewCell {
override func configWith(_ cellData: Any!) {
guard let myData = cellData as? MyData else {
// Update UI elements based on myData properties
CHGAdapter Swift is a powerful tool for handling data binding in your iOS applications. By organizing your data into sections and cells and using the provided data binding features, you can easily update your UI in a seamless and efficient manner. Enjoy coding!