Welcome to the documentation for CameraManager, a library for managing camera functionality in iOS applications. This library provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for capturing photos and videos, as well as controlling various camera functionalities within your iOS app.
To install CameraManager in your iOS application, follow the steps below:
- Open your project in Xcode
- Navigate to your project settings
- Click on “Build Phases”
- Under “Link Binary With Libraries”, click on the “+” button
- Add the CameraManager.framework
- Import the CameraManager module in your Swift file:
import CameraManager
Usage Examples
Capturing a Photo
// Initialize the CameraManager instance
let cameraManager = CameraManager()
// Set the camera quality
cameraManager.cameraQuality = .high
// Capture a photo
cameraManager.capturePictureWithCompletion { result in
switch result {
case .success(let content):
// Handle the captured photo content
// e.g. display the photo on a UIImageView
imageView.image = content.asImage
case .failure(let error):
// Handle the capture error
print(“Error capturing photo: \(error)”)
Capturing a Video
// Initialize the CameraManager instance
let cameraManager = CameraManager()
// Set the camera quality
cameraManager.cameraQuality = .medium
// Set the video duration limit
cameraManager.cameraOutputMode = .videoWithMaximumDuration(10.0)
// Capture a video
cameraManager.startRecordingVideo { result in
switch result {
case .success(let url):
// Handle the captured video URL
// e.g. save the video to the device’s photo library
PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromVideo(atFileURL: url)
}) { saved, error in
if saved {
print(“Video saved successfully”)
} else {
print(“Error saving video: \(error?.localizedDescription)”)
case .failure(let error):
// Handle the capture error
print(“Error capturing video: \(error)”)
// Stop recording
Controlling Flash Mode
// Initialize the CameraManager instance
let cameraManager = CameraManager()
// Set the flash mode
cameraManager.flashMode = .auto
// Toggle the flash mode
API Reference
: The quality of the captured photos.cameraOutputMode
: The output mode for capturing media (photo, video, etc.).flashMode
: The flash mode of the camera.
: Captures a photo with a completion block.startRecordingVideo(_:)
: Starts recording a video with a completion block.stopVideoRecording()
: Stops the video recording.changeFlashMode()
: Toggles the flash mode.
This documentation provided an overview of the CameraManager library and examples of how to use it in your iOS app. You can explore the API reference for a comprehensive list of properties and methods available. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please refer to the official documentation or check out the GitHub repository for CameraManager.