The bzipcompression framework provides classes and functions for compressing and decompressing data using the Bzip2 compression algorithm. This algorithm provides a high compression ratio and is commonly used for file and data compression.
The BZCompression class is responsible for compressing data using the Bzip2 algorithm. It provides methods to compress data in memory or from a file, and allows customization of compression level and block size.
The BZDecompression class is responsible for decompressing Bzip2 compressed data. It provides methods to decompress data in memory or from a file, and supports decompressing of concatenated compressed data.
The BZCompressFile function compresses a file using the Bzip2 algorithm and saves the compressed data to a specified file. It accepts parameters for the input file, output file, compression level, and block size.
The BZDecompressFile function decompresses a Bzip2 compressed file and saves the decompressed data to a specified file. It accepts parameters for the input file and output file.
Additionally, the BZDecompressFile function can be used to decompress concatenated compressed data, where multiple compressed files are concatenated together in a single file.
The bzipcompression framework is available through CocoaPods, a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'BzipCompression'
Before using the bzipcompression framework, make sure to import it in your code:
import BzipCompression
Once imported, you can start using the Bzip2 compression and decompression classes and functions.
Compressing Data
To compress data in memory using the BZCompression class:
// Create an instance of BZCompression
let compression = BZCompression()
// Compress data
if let compressedData = compression.compress(data: uncompressedData) {
// Compression succeeded, use compressedData
} else {
// Compression failed
To compress a file using the BZCompression class:
// Create an instance of BZCompression
let compression = BZCompression()
// Compress file
if compression.compressFile(inputPath: inputFile, outputPath: outputFile, compressionLevel: .default, blockSize: .default) {
// Compression succeeded
} else {
// Compression failed
Decompressing Data
To decompress data in memory using the BZDecompression class:
// Create an instance of BZDecompression
let decompression = BZDecompression()
// Decompress data
if let decompressedData = decompression.decompress(data: compressedData) {
// Decompression succeeded, use decompressedData
} else {
// Decompression failed
To decompress a file using the BZDecompression class:
// Create an instance of BZDecompression
let decompression = BZDecompression()
// Decompress file
if decompression.decompressFile(inputPath: inputFile, outputPath: outputFile) {
// Decompression succeeded
} else {
// Decompression failed
The bzipcompression framework is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
GitHub Repository
To contribute to the development of the bzipcompression framework, visit the GitHub repository: