BTGridPager is a lightweight and customizable pager control for iOS apps. It provides a simple grid layout with support for various customization options and pagination functionalities.
- Simple and intuitive grid pager layout
- Customizable design with support for various appearance options
- Easy integration with existing iOS projects
- Support for both vertical and horizontal scrolling
- Responsive layout that adjusts according to screen size
- Efficient pagination functionality with smooth transitions
To install BTGridPager in your iOS project, you can use CocoaPods. Simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'BTGridPager'
After adding the dependency to your Podfile, run the command pod install
in the Terminal to install the library.
To use BTGridPager in your iOS app, follow these steps:
1. Import BTGridPager
In your ViewController file, import the BTGridPager module:
import BTGridPager
2. Create an instance of BTGridPager
In your ViewController’s viewDidLoad method, create an instance of BTGridPager and add it to your view:
let gridPager = BTGridPager(frame: view.bounds)
3. Customize the appearance
You can customize the appearance of BTGridPager by modifying its properties. For example, you can change the background color, grid item spacing, grid item size, and more. Refer to the BTGridPager documentation for a full list of customization options.
// Example customizations
gridPager.backgroundColor = .white
gridPager.gridSpacing = 10.0
gridPager.gridSize = CGSize(width: 80, height: 80)
4. Implement the BTGridPagerDataSource
To display content in the BTGridPager, you need to implement the BTGridPagerDataSource protocol. This protocol provides methods for configuring the number of grid items and populating the content for each item:
extension ViewController: BTGridPagerDataSource {
func numberOfItems(in gridPager: BTGridPager) -> Int {
// Return the total number of grid items
return 10
func gridPager(_ gridPager: BTGridPager, cellForItemAt index: Int) -> BTGridPagerItemCell {
// Create and configure a grid item cell
let cell = BTGridPagerItemCell()
cell.textLabel.text = "Item \(index + 1)"
// Configure other properties of the cell
return cell
Make sure to set the dataSource property of the BTGridPager instance to your ViewController.
gridPager.dataSource = self
For more details on the usage and customization options of BTGridPager, refer to the official BTGridPager documentation.
BTGridPager is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.