## Introduction
AlamofireLogging is a logging library specifically designed for logging Alamofire requests and responses. By integrating this library into your project, you will gain valuable insight into the network requests and responses occurring within your application.
## Features
AlamofireLogging offers the following key features:
– **Detailed Logging**: Logs detailed information about each Alamofire request and response, including request URL, method, parameters, headers, response status code, data, and more.
– **Customizable**: Allows you to customize the logging format, enabling you to include additional data or exclude specific details.
– **Request/Response Data**: Provides access to both the raw request and response data, which can be useful for debugging purposes.
## Installation
To integrate AlamofireLogging into your project, follow these steps:
1. [Download](https://cocoadocs.org/docsets/alamofirelogging/download/) the latest version of the AlamofireLogging library.
2. Unzip the downloaded file.
3. Copy the `AlamofireLogging` folder to your project directory.
## Usage
To use AlamofireLogging in your project, follow these steps:
1. Import the AlamofireLogging module into your Swift file.
import AlamofireLogging
2. Enable AlamofireLogging by adding the following line of code to your application’s entry point (e.g., `AppDelegate.swift`).
3. Customize the logging format (optional).
AlamofireLogging.logFormat = “$HTTP_METHOD $URL $RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE”
## Available Log Formats
Here are some commonly used log formats for AlamofireLogging:
– **$HTTP_METHOD**: The HTTP method used for the request (e.g., GET, POST).
– **$URL**: The URL of the request.
– **$REQUEST_HEADERS**: The headers sent with the request.
– **$REQUEST_BODY**: The body/data sent with the request.
– **$RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE**: The status code of the response.
– **$RESPONSE_HEADERS**: The headers received in the response.
– **$RESPONSE_BODY**: The body/data received in the response.
You can modify these log formats to suit your specific requirements.
## Example
Here’s an example of how AlamofireLogging can be used in a typical Alamofire network request:
import Alamofire
import AlamofireLogging
AF.request(“https://api.example.com/users”).responseJSON { response in
// Handle the response here
## License
AlamofireLogging is released under the GPL2 license.
## Additional Information
For additional information, you may visit the [AlamofireLogging GitHub repository](https://github.com/youruser/alamofirelogging) or refer to the [CocoaDocs documentation](https://cocoadocs.org/docsets/alamofirelogging).
Finally, if you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to contact us via our [website](http://yourwebsite.com) or create an issue on the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/youruser/alamofirelogging). We’ll be happy to assist you.