## Introduction
Welcome to the AFNetworking Streaming documentation page. Here, you will find detailed information on how to use AFNetworking Streaming to efficiently stream data in your iOS or macOS applications. This documentation will guide you through the essential concepts, usage, and best practices of AFNetworking Streaming.
## Getting Started
To get started with AFNetworking Streaming, follow the steps below:
1. **Step 1:** Install AFNetworking Streaming. You can install AFNetworking Streaming by adding it as a dependency in your project’s *Podfile*:
pod ‘AFNetworking+Streaming’
Then, run the command `pod install` to install AFNetworking Streaming.
2. **Step 2:** Import AFNetworking Streaming in your project. Add the following import statement to any file where you intend to use AFNetworking Streaming:
Note that this step assumes you have successfully installed AFNetworking+Streaming using CocoaPods.
## Streaming Data
AFNetworking Streaming allows you to efficiently stream data in your application. Below are the steps involved in streaming data with AFNetworking Streaming:
1. **Step 1:** Create an `AFHTTPSessionManager` instance. This instance will handle the streaming requests. Initialize it as follows:
AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [AFHTTPSessionManager manager];
2. **Step 2:** Set the `responseSerializer` of the `AFHTTPSessionManager` to `AFStreamingResponseSerializer`. This serializer allows for progressive parsing and streaming of response data.
manager.responseSerializer = [AFStreamingResponseSerializer serializer];
3. **Step 3:** Send a streaming request using the `GET` method. Pass the streaming URL as the parameter to the method `GET:parameters:progress:success:failure:`:
[manager GET:@”https://yourstreamingurl.com/stream” parameters:nil progress:^(NSProgress * _Nonnull downloadProgress) {
// Do something with the progress information, if needed.
} success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nonnull task, id _Nullable responseObject) {
// Handle the successful streaming response here.
} failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nullable task, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
// Handle any errors encountered during streaming.
4. **Step 4:** In the success block, you can access the streaming data in the `responseObject` object. Parse and handle the data according to your requirements.
## Examples
Here are a few examples to help you understand how to use AFNetworking Streaming effectively:
1. **Example 1:** Streaming an audio file from a URL:
// Follow the streaming data steps mentioned above.
// Make necessary adjustments according to your specific audio streaming requirements.
2. **Example 2:** Streaming a video file from a URL:
// Follow the streaming data steps mentioned above.
// Make necessary adjustments according to your specific video streaming requirements.
## Conclusion
In this documentation page, you have learned the basics of AFNetworking Streaming and how to incorporate it into your iOS or macOS applications. By utilizing AFNetworking Streaming, you can efficiently stream data, such as audio or video, in your applications.
We hope this documentation has provided you with the necessary information to get started with AFNetworking Streaming. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please refer to the official AFNetworking documentation or contact our support team.
Thank you for choosing AFNetworking Streaming. Happy streaming!