Welcome to the documentation for ABFRealmMapView, a library that allows you to integrate RealM-based data with MapKit on iOS using a convenient and flexible approach.
- iOS 10.0 or later
- Xcode 11.0 or later
- Swift 4.2 or later
- RealM 2.0 or later
ABFRealmMapView can be installed through the CocoaPods dependency manager. To install it, add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ABFRealmMapView'
Then run the following command:
pod install
To get started with ABFRealmMapView, follow the steps below:
- Import ABFRealmMapView into your project:
- Create an instance of ABFRealmMapView and configure it:
- Optional: Customize the map view appearance:
- Set the selected object block:
- Optional: Set up a predicate to filter displayed objects:
- Add the realmMapView as a subview to your view:
import ABFRealmMapView
let realmMapView = ABFRealmMapView(frame: view.bounds, style: .plain)
realmMapView.realmConfiguration = yourRealmConfiguration
realmMapView.realmObjectClassName = "YourRealmObject"
realmMapView.clusterTitle = "Cluster"
realmMapView.showSingleObjectAnnotation = true
realmMapView.selectedObjectBlock = { [weak self] object in
// Handle selected object
realmMapView.predicateBlock = { object in
// Filter logic for objects
return true // or false if object should not be displayed
Here are the main methods available in ABFRealmMapView:
- refreshMapView: Refreshes the map view based on the current data in the Realm database.
- selectedObjectChanged(_:): Notifies the ABFRealmMapView that the selected object has changed.
- regionForAnnotations(_:): Returns a region that fits the given annotations on the map view.
To be notified of certain events and to customize behavior, you can implement the ABFRealmMapViewDelegate. The following methods are available:
- realmMapView(_:didSelectCluster:with:) -> Bool: Called when a cluster is selected.
- realmMapView(_:didSelectSingleObject:with:) -> Bool: Called when a single object is selected.
- realmMapView(_:didDeselectSingleObject:with:) -> Bool: Called when a selected object is deselected.
- realmMapView(_:didDeselectCluster:with:) -> Bool: Called when a selected cluster is deselected.
Congratulations! You should now have a good understanding of how to integrate ABFRealmMapView into your iOS application. If you have any further questions or issues, feel free to consult the official GitHub repository or reach out to the developer community.