To install the LRNotificationObserver library in your iOS project, follow these steps:
- Open your project in Xcode.
- Navigate to the target settings for your project and select “Build Phases”.
- Expand the “Link Binary With Libraries” section.
- Click the “+” button and select “Add Other…”
- In the file picker, navigate to the location where you downloaded the LRNotificationObserver framework.
- Select the LRNotificationObserver framework and click “Open”.
- Build your project.
1. Registering for Notifications
To start observing notifications using LRNotificationObserver, you first need to register for the specific notifications you want to observe. Here’s how:
- Import the LRNotificationObserver framework into your class:
- In your class declaration, create an instance of LRNotificationObserver:
- In the `viewDidLoad` method or any other suitable place, register for the desired notifications. For example:
- Implement the notification handler method:
- Don’t forget to unregister for the notification when you no longer need it, to avoid potential memory leaks:
import LRNotificationObserver
let notificationObserver = LRNotificationObserver()
notificationObserver.register(for: .UIApplicationDidBecomeActive, with: #selector(applicationDidBecomeActive))
@objc func applicationDidBecomeActive() {
// Handle the notification
// This method will be called when the specified notification is received
deinit {
notificationObserver.unregister(for: .UIApplicationDidBecomeActive)