## Introduction
Fab is a powerful and versatile mobile development tool that facilitates integration with various third-party services. This documentation will guide you through in-depth installation, implementation, and usage instructions to help you seamlessly incorporate Fab into your mobile application.
## Features
– Simple and intuitive API for easy integration
– Extensive support for popular platforms including iOS and Android
– Customizable user interface to match your app’s branding
– Support for multiple third-party services such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google
– Detailed analytics and reporting capabilities
## Installation
Follow these steps to install Fab in your mobile application:
### iOS
Fab supports iOS devices running iOS 11.0 and above. To install Fab in your iOS app:
– Install Fab using CocoaPods by adding the following line to your Podfile:
pod ‘Fab’
– Run the command `pod install` in your project directory.
### Android
Fab supports Android devices running Android 4.4 (KitKat) and above. To install Fab in your Android app:
– Add the following line to the dependencies section in your app-level build.gradle file:
implementation ‘com.fab:fab:1.0.0’
## Configuration
Before using Fab in your application, you need to configure it with the appropriate credentials and settings. Follow the instructions below to configure Fab:
### iOS
To configure Fab on iOS:
– Import Fab into your application delegate:
import Fab
– Configure Fab using your API key and other required settings in the `application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)` method of your application delegate:
Fab.configure(apiKey: “YOUR_API_KEY”)
### Android
To configure Fab on Android:
– Import `com.fab.Fab` into your activity:
import com.fab.Fab;
– Configure Fab using your API key and other required settings in the `onCreate()` method of your activity:
Fab.configure(this, “YOUR_API_KEY”);
## Usage
Fab provides a wide range of functionality that you can use to enhance your mobile application. Here are some of the common use cases and how to use Fab for each:
### Social Media Sharing
Fab simplifies social media sharing in your mobile app. To integrate social media sharing with Fab, follow these steps:
1. Create a custom share button in your interface using Fab’s customizable UI components.
2. Bind a click event to the share button in your application code.
3. Implement the necessary logic to share content using Fab’s social media APIs.
// Example code for sharing on Facebook
Fab.shareOnFacebook(content: “Check out this amazing app!”, image: UIImage(named: “example.png”))
### Analytics and Reporting
Fab provides detailed analytics and reporting capabilities to help you track user engagement and app performance. To use Fab’s analytics features, follow these steps:
1. Import Fab’s analytics module into your application code.
2. Use the provided APIs to track screen views and user events.
// Example code for tracking a screen view
Fab.trackScreen(screenName: “Home”)
// Example code for tracking a custom event
Fab.trackEvent(event: “Button Clicked”)
## Conclusion
Fab offers a comprehensive suite of features and functionalities to enhance your mobile application. This documentation has covered the basics of installation, configuration, and usage, but there is much more you can explore. Feel free to refer to our extensive API documentation and code samples to further customize and optimize your integration with Fab.