Welcome to the documentation for SwiftGS1Barcode! This library provides functionality for generating and scanning GS1 barcodes using the Swift programming language. Whether you need to generate GS1 barcodes for your product inventory, or you want to scan and decode GS1 barcodes in your app, SwiftGS1Barcode has you covered.
Here are some key features offered by SwiftGS1Barcode:
– Generate GS1 barcodes: Use the library to create GS1 barcodes with ease. Simply provide the required information such as GTIN, batch/lot number, expiration date, and more, and SwiftGS1Barcode will generate the barcode for you.
– Scan and decode GS1 barcodes: Integrate SwiftGS1Barcode into your app to scan and decode GS1 barcodes. Extract valuable information from the barcode such as GTIN, batch/lot number, expiration date, and more, and use it as needed.
– Support for various barcode formats: SwiftGS1Barcode supports multiple barcode symbologies commonly used for GS1 barcodes, including Code 128 and Data Matrix.
To incorporate SwiftGS1Barcode into your project, follow these steps:
1. Open your project in Xcode.
2. Navigate to the “File” menu and select “Swift Packages” > “Add Package Dependency”.
3. Enter the following repository URL: https://github.com/example/SwiftGS1Barcode.git (replace “example” with the actual repository owner).
4. Click “Next” and select the version of SwiftGS1Barcode you want to use.
5. Choose the target where you want to add SwiftGS1Barcode and click “Finish”.
To generate GS1 barcodes, follow these steps:
1. Import the SwiftGS1Barcode module in your source file:
import SwiftGS1Barcode
2. Create an instance of GS1BarcodeGenerator:
let generator = GS1BarcodeGenerator()
3. Set the required properties for the barcode:
generator.gtin = “01234567890123”
generator.batchLotNumber = “ABC123”
generator.expirationDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 3600)
// Set other properties as needed
4. Generate the barcode image:
let barcodeImage = generator.generateBarcodeImage()
5. Use the generated barcode image as desired.
For detailed information on available classes, methods, and properties, please refer to the [API reference](https://github.com/example/SwiftGS1Barcode/docs/APIDocs.md).
We hope this documentation has provided you with all the necessary information to get started with SwiftGS1Barcode. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us on our [support forum](https://example.com/support). Happy barcode generation and scanning!