UITableViewDragger is a lightweight library for simplifying the implementation of drag-and-drop functionality in UITableViews on iOS. With this library, you can easily enable drag-and-drop reordering of table view cells, providing a smooth and intuitive user experience.
To integrate the UITableViewDragger library into your Xcode project, you can use either CocoaPods or manually include the required files.
- Add the following line to your Podfile:
- Run
pod install
in your terminal. - Import the library in your code:
pod 'TableViewDragger'
import UITableViewDragger
- Download the latest release from the GitHub repository: example/TableViewDragger
- Drag and drop the necessary files into your Xcode project.
- Import the library in your code:
import UITableViewDragger
- Drag-and-drop reordering of table view cells.
- Smooth and performant animations during dragging and reordering.
- Support for long press gesture recognition to initiate dragging.
- Customizable drag handle appearance.
- Delegate methods for fine-grained control over the dragging process.
- Ability to enable or disable dragging for specific cells individually.
- Handling of edge scrolling during dragging for easy reordering of cells outside the visible area.
- Support for both UITableView and UICollectionView.
To use UITableViewDragger in your project, follow the steps below:
- Create an instance of UITableViewDragger with your table view:
- Implement the necessary delegate methods in your view controller:
- Customize the drag handle appearance (optional):
- Enable or disable dragging for specific cells (optional):
- Enjoy drag-and-drop reordering of your table view cells!
let dragger = UITableViewDragger(tableView: yourTableView)
// Conform to UITableViewDelegateDraggerDelegate
extension YourViewController: UITableViewDelegateDraggerDelegate {
// Implement required delegate methods
func dragger(_ dragger: UITableViewDragger, dataForDraggingAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UIDragItem {
// Provide the necessary data to be transferred when dragging begins
// Create and return a UIDragItem object
func dragger(_ dragger: UITableViewDragger, moveDraggedRowAt sourceIndexPath: IndexPath, to destinationIndexPath: IndexPath) {
// Perform the necessary updates to your data model when a cell is dropped in a new position
// Optional delegate methods for further customization
// ...
// Assign your view controller as the delegate
dragger.delegate = self
dragger.dragHandleStyle = .custom(yourCustomDragHandleView)
dragger.canDragCellAt = { indexPath in
// Return true or false depending on whether the cell at the given indexPath should be draggable
return ...
With UITableViewDragger, implementing drag-and-drop functionality in your UITableView-based app becomes a breeze. Take advantage of smooth animations, delegate methods, and customizability to provide a seamless user experience while allowing users to efficiently reorder their data.