As the year 2024 rapidly approaches, the future of online poker in New York looks increasingly bleak. Once a thriving industry with a plethora of options for players, the landscape has shifted dramatically in recent years, leaving many in the state wondering if online poker will ever make a comeback.
The trouble began in 2020 when a decision was made to ban commercial card rooms in the state, effectively shutting down many of the major online poker operators that had been serving New York residents. This move was met with dismay from players who enjoyed the convenience and flexibility that online poker offered, but it was seen as necessary by lawmakers who were concerned about the potential for addiction and other negative consequences associated with online gambling.
Since then, efforts have been made to revive the industry, with various bills being introduced in the state legislature to legalize online poker once again. However, these efforts have met with little success, as lawmakers remain divided on the issue and seem reluctant to take any definitive action.
One major stumbling block has been the influence of tribal gaming interests in the state. Many of New York’s tribal casinos have expressed reservations about online poker, viewing it as a threat to their own revenues. This has led to a standoff between the tribes and other stakeholders, making it difficult to reach a consensus on how online poker should be regulated and operated in the state.
In addition, the issue of tax revenue has also played a major role in the online poker debate. Lawmakers are keen to ensure that any revenue generated from online poker is properly captured and distributed, but reaching an agreement on how to do this has proven to be a major challenge.
As a result, it looks increasingly unlikely that online poker will be making a comeback in New York anytime soon. Many players have turned to offshore sites to satisfy their poker cravings, but this has led to concerns about player safety and the lack of consumer protections in place.
Overall, the future of online poker in New York looks grim for 2024 and beyond. Unless lawmakers can come together to find a solution that satisfies all stakeholders, it seems that the state’s once-thriving online poker industry may remain a thing of the past.