## Description
The reddift library is a powerful tool that serves as a client library for the Reddit API. It allows developers to easily interact with Reddit’s vast ecosystem, accessing and manipulating various elements such as posts, comments, user profiles, and more.
## Features
– Seamless integration with the Reddit API, providing developers with access to its extensive functionality.
– Simplified authentication process, enabling users to securely access Reddit’s resources.
– Straightforward methods and classes for managing Reddit posts, comments, threads, and subreddit information.
– Support for sorting Reddit content by various criteria, including popularity or time.
– Comprehensive support for handling user profiles, including retrieving user information, submitting posts, and managing saved content.
– Customizable notifications for new messages, post replies, and other Reddit interactions.
– Dedicated error handling to ensure smooth execution and troubleshooting.
## Installation
To incorporate the reddift library into your project, follow these steps:
1. Add the reddift library to your project’s dependencies.
– Using CocoaPods: Add `pod ‘reddift’` to your Podfile and run `pod install`.
– Manually: Download the latest release from the GitHub repository and drag the `reddift` folder into your Xcode project.
2. Import the reddift library into your source files.
import reddift
## Getting Started
To begin using the reddift library, follow these steps:
1. Initialize the Reddit session by providing the required credentials.
> Ensure you have registered your application at https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps and obtained the client ID, client secret, and redirect URI.
let session = Session(
clientID: “your_client_id”,
clientSecret: “your_client_secret”,
redirectURI: “your_redirect_uri”
2. Authenticate the user.
let authController = AuthViewController(
session: session,
scopes: [.read, .identity, .mysubreddits],
completion: { result in
switch result {
case .success:
// User successfully authenticated. Proceed with your app logic.
case .failure(let error):
// Authentication failed, handle the error appropriately.
// Present the authentication view controller
3. Start utilizing the vast Reddit API functionality provided by reddift.
## API Reference
For detailed information on the reddift library’s classes and methods, refer to the complete [API Reference](https://github.com/sonsongithub/reddift).
## Examples
### Get Posts from a Subreddit
// Initialize the subreddit client
let subreddit = Subreddit(
session: session,
name: “swift”
// Fetch posts asynchronously in the `.new` sorting category
subreddit.getPosts(sortBy: .new) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let listing):
// Process the fetched posts
for post in listing.children {
// Access post information
print(“Title: \(post.title), Points: \(post.score)”)
case .failure(let error):
// Handle the error appropriately
### Post a Comment
// Initialize the target post ID
let postID = “target_post_id”
// Create a new comment
let comment = Comment.create(comment: “This is a great post!”, parentName: postID)
// Post the comment asynchronously
session.postComment(comment: comment) { result in
switch result {
case .success:
// Comment posted successfully
case .failure(let error):
// Handle the error appropriately
## Support
For any inquiries or issues related to the reddift library, feel free to reach out to the community through the official [GitHub repository](https://github.com/sonsongithub/reddift). You can also explore existing discussions or raise new questions there.
## Conclusion
By utilizing the reddift library, developers can easily harness the power of Reddit’s API for their applications. With simplified authentication, comprehensive API methods, and seamless integration, it provides a solid foundation for interacting with Reddit’s vast ecosystem. Feel free to explore the API reference and examples provided to further enhance your understanding and utilization of this invaluable tool.