Welcome to the documentation for ZoomTransitioning! This document provides detailed information on how to use ZoomTransitioning in your iOS app development. ZoomTransitioning is a custom transition library for smooth and interactive zoom transitions between view controllers.
To integrate ZoomTransitioning into your Xcode project, you can use CocoaPods or manually include the library files.
- Add the following line to your Podfile:
// Podfile
pod 'ZoomTransitioning'
pod install
in Terminal..xcworkspace
file.Manual installation:
- Download the latest version of ZoomTransitioning from the GitHub repository.
- Drag and drop the necessary source files into your Xcode project.
To use ZoomTransitioning, follow the steps below:
- Import the required module in your view controller file:
- Implement the
protocol on your view controller: - Implement the required delegate methods to provide the views and frames for the zoom transition:
- Prepare the destination view controller by setting its
// Swift
import ZoomTransitioning
// Objective-C
@import ZoomTransitioning;
// Swift
class ViewController: UIViewController, ZoomTransitionSourceDelegate {
// Objective-C
@interface ViewController : UIViewController
// Swift
func transitionZoomView() -> UIView {
// Return the view you want to zoom
func transitionSourceImageViewFrame(forward: Bool) -> CGRect {
// Return the initial frame of the source image view
// Objective-C
- (UIView *)transitionZoomView {
// Return the view you want to zoom
- (CGRect)transitionSourceImageViewFrameForForward:(BOOL)forward {
// Return the initial frame of the source image view
// Swift
let destinationVC = DestinationViewController()
destinationVC.transitioningDelegate = ZoomTransitioningDelegate.shared
destinationVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
present(destinationVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
// Objective-C
DestinationViewController *destinationVC = [[DestinationViewController alloc] init];
destinationVC.transitioningDelegate = [ZoomTransitioningDelegate sharedDelegate];
destinationVC.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;
[self presentViewController:destinationVC animated:YES completion:nil];
Additional Configuration
ZoomTransitioning provides additional configuration options to customize the transition behavior:
- animationDuration: Specifies the duration of the transition animation.
- zoomScale: Specifies the scale factor applied to the zoomed view.
- dampingRatio: Specifies the damping ratio for the animation.
- springVelocity: Specifies the initial spring velocity for the animation.
You can modify these options by accessing the ZoomTransitioningDelegate.shared
instance and setting the desired values.
Congratulations! You have successfully integrated and used ZoomTransitioning in your iOS app. Enjoy the smooth and interactive zoom transitions between view controllers. For more information, refer to the official GitHub repository here.