About szmentionsswift
szmentionsswift is a Swift library that allows you to easily handle mentions within text, such as usernames or hashtags, by providing powerful functionalities. It empowers developers to enhance user experience by adding social features like mentions in their apps.
Key Features
- Effortlessly detect mentions within text
- Customizable user mention display
- Support for handling hashtags
- Highlight mentions and hashtags
- Retrieve mentioned user information
- Easy integration with existing projects
To integrate szmentionsswift into your project, you can use any of the following methods:
1. Install CocoaPods by running the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
2. Create a Podfile in your project’s root directory and add the following line:
pod 'szmentionsswift'
3. Run the following command:
$ pod install
4. Import the szmentionsswift module wherever it’s needed:
import szmentionsswift
1. Install Carthage if you haven’t already by running the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
2. Create a Cartfile in your project’s root directory and add the following line:
github "szmentionsswift"
3. Run the following command:
$ carthage update
4. Add the szmentionsswift framework to your project.
Using szmentionsswift is straightforward:
- Create an instance of
with the desired setup options. - Set the delegate and implement necessary methods for handling user mentions and hashtags.
- Call the
method to detect mentions within the text.
Example Code
import szmentionsswift
// Initialize SZMentionsSwift instance
let mentionsManager = SZMentionsSwift()
// Set the delegate
mentionsManager.delegate = self
func processTextWithMentions(text: String) {
// Detect mentions within text
let processedText = mentionsManager.detectMentions(inText: text)
// Display processedText in your app
// Implement delegate methods for handling mentions and hashtags
extension ViewController: SZMentionsSwiftDelegate {
func didHandleMention(mentionString: String, mentionData: Any?) {
// Handle mention logic here
// mentionString contains the mention string
// mentionData contains additional information about the mentioned user (if available)
func didHandleHashtag(hashtagString: String) {
// Handle hashtag logic here
// hashtagString contains the hashtag string
// Call processTextWithMentions with your desired text
processTextWithMentions(text: "Hello @JohnDoe, great to see you again! #awesomeApp")
szmentionsswift provides various customization options to tailor the mention appearance and behavior:
: Customize the attributes for mention text.mentionSelectedTextAttributes
: Customize the attributes for the selected mention text.mentionHighlightColor
: Customize the highlight color for mentions.mentionSelectedBackgroundColor
: Customize the background color for the selected mention.mentionStringRegex
: Set a custom regular expression for mention detection.
Additional Resources
szmentionsswift simplifies the process of handling mentions and hashtags within text, allowing developers to build more dynamic and interactive experiences for their users. Experience the power of szmentionsswift in your app today!