What is Pulsator?
Pulsator is a lightweight library that allows you to easily add pulsating animations to your iOS applications. With just a few lines of code, you can add eye-catching and visually appealing animations to any view in your app.
Key Features
- Simple and easy-to-use API
- Customizable pulsating effects
- Supports both Objective-C and Swift
- Compatible with iOS 9 and above
To install Pulsator in your iOS project, follow these steps:
- Open your project in Xcode
- Navigate to the target configuration settings
- Select “Build Phases” tab
- Expand the “Link Binary With Libraries” section
- Click the “+” button and select “Add Other…”
- Navigate to the Pulsator.framework directory and select it
Using Pulsator is simple and straightforward. Just follow these steps:
- Import the Pulsator framework into your class:
- Create an instance of Pulsator:
- Configure the pulsating effect:
- Add the pulsator layer to your view:
- Start the pulsating animation:
// Objective-C
#import <Pulsator/Pulsator.h>
// Swift
import Pulsator
// Objective-C
Pulsator *pulsator = [Pulsator new];
// Swift
let pulsator = Pulsator()
pulsator.numPulse = 3
pulsator.radius = 100
pulsator.animationDuration = 1.0
pulsator.backgroundColor = UIColor.red.cgColor
[view.layer addSublayer:pulsator]
[pulsator start]
Pulsator provides various customization options to create unique pulsating effects. You can customize the following properties:
- numPulse: The number of pulses in the animation.
- radius: The radius of each pulse.
- animationDuration: The total duration of the animation.
- backgroundColor: The color of the pulsating effect.
Here’s an example demonstrating how to use Pulsator:
// Objective-C
#import <Pulsator/Pulsator.h>
// Create an instance of Pulsator
Pulsator *pulsator = [Pulsator new];
// Configure the pulsating effect
pulsator.numPulse = 3;
pulsator.radius = 100;
pulsator.animationDuration = 1.0;
pulsator.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor.CGColor;
// Add the pulsator layer to your view
[self.view.layer addSublayer:pulsator];
// Start the pulsating animation
[pulsator start];
// Swift
import Pulsator
// Create an instance of Pulsator
let pulsator = Pulsator()
// Configure the pulsating effect
pulsator.numPulse = 3
pulsator.radius = 100
pulsator.animationDuration = 1.0
pulsator.backgroundColor = UIColor.red.cgColor
// Add the pulsator layer to your view
// Start the pulsating animation
Pulsator is a powerful tool for adding pulsating animations to your iOS applications. With its simple API and customizable options, you can easily enhance the visual appeal of your app and grab users’ attention. Give Pulsator a try and bring your app to life with stunning animations!