The hmsegmentedcontrol library is a customizable segmented control for iOS written in Objective-C. It provides a sleek and modern look, perfect for displaying multiple options or categories in an organized manner. This documentation will guide you through installing and using the hmsegmentedcontrol library in your iOS projects.
- Customizable appearance with different styles and colors
- Support for handling different control events
- Easy integration into your iOS project
To install the hmsegmentedcontrol library, follow the steps below:
- Open your Xcode project
- Go to the “File” menu and select “Swift Packages” > “Add Package Dependency”
- In the search bar, enter “hmsegmentedcontrol” and select the latest version
- Click “Next” and select the desired target(s) for the package
- Click “Finish” to complete the installation
Once the hmsegmentedcontrol library is installed, you can start using it in your iOS project. Follow the steps below to get started:
- Import the hmsegmentedcontrol module in your view controller:
- Create an instance of hmsegmentedcontrol in your view controller:
- Customize the appearance of the segmented control by setting properties such as font, color, backgroundColor, etc.:
- Add the segmented control to your view hierarchy:
- Handle control events using the “addTarget” method:
- Implement the action method to handle the selected segment:
import hmsegmentedcontrol
let segmentedControl = HMSegmentedControl(sectionTitles: ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"])
segmentedControl.selectionStyle = .fullWidthStripe
segmentedControl.selectionIndicatorLocation = .down
segmentedControl.selectionIndicatorColor = .red
segmentedControl.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor:]
segmentedControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(segmentedControlValueChanged(sender:)), for: .valueChanged)
@objc func segmentedControlValueChanged(sender: HMSegmentedControl) {
let selectedSegmentIndex = sender.selectedSegmentIndex
// Handle the selected segment here
The hmsegmentedcontrol library is compatible with:
- iOS 11.0 and later
- Objective-C and Swift projects
With the hmsegmentedcontrol library, you can easily add a customizable segmented control to your iOS project, allowing users to select from multiple options or categories. Follow the installation and usage instructions provided in this documentation to integrate the hmsegmentedcontrol library smoothly into your project.