This page provides detailed information about the FlatUIColors library, which is a collection of beautiful and easy-to-use colors for designing user interfaces. Below you will find an overview of the library’s features, installation instructions, and code examples.
## Features– A variety of eye-catching colors for UI design
– Ready-to-use color codes in CSS, Swift, and Objective-C
– Well-documented and easy-to-understand color naming convention
– Compatible with popular design tools like Adobe Photoshop and Sketch
– Regularly updated with new color palettes
To use the FlatUIColors library in your project, follow the steps below:
1. Download the library from the official GitHub repository: [FlatUIColors on GitHub](
2. Extract the downloaded file to your project directory
3. Add the necessary files to your Xcode project by selecting “Add Files to…” and choosing the extracted folder
4. Import the library in your code using the appropriate import statement:
For Swift:
import FlatUIColors
For Objective-C:
@import FlatUIColors;
Once you have installed the FlatUIColors library, you can easily access the color palettes. Each color is represented by a static property in the `UIColor` class.
For example, to use the Turquoise color, you can access it in Swift as follows:
let turquoiseColor = UIColor.turquoise()
Or in Objective-C:
UIColor *turquoiseColor = [UIColor turquoiseColor];
The FlatUIColors library provides a wide range of vibrant colors. Below is a list of available colors and their corresponding names:
– ![#1abc9c]( **Turquoise**: `UIColor.turquoise()` or `[UIColor turquoiseColor]`
– ![#16a085]( **Green Sea**: `UIColor.greenSea()` or `[UIColor greenSeaColor]`
– ![#3498db]( **Emerald**: `UIColor.emerald()` or `[UIColor emeraldColor]`
– ![#9b59b6]( **Amethyst**: `UIColor.amethyst()` or `[UIColor amethystColor]`
– ![#34495e]( **Wet Asphalt**: `UIColor.wetAsphalt()` or `[UIColor wetAsphaltColor]`
– ![#f1c40f]( **Sun Flower**: `UIColor.sunFlower()` or `[UIColor sunFlowerColor]`
– ![#e67e22]( **Carrot**: `UIColor.carrot()` or `[UIColor carrotColor]`
– ![#e74c3c]( **Alizarin**: `UIColor.alizarin()` or `[UIColor alizarinColor]`
– ![#95a5a6]( **Concrete**: `UIColor.concrete()` or `[UIColor concreteColor]`
– ![#f39c12]( **Orange**: `` or `[UIColor orangeColor]`
– ![#d35400]( **Pumpkin**: `UIColor.pumpkin()` or `[UIColor pumpkinColor]`
– ![#c0392b]( **Pomegranate**: `UIColor.pomegranate()` or `[UIColor pomegranateColor]`
You can use these color names to add style and vibrancy to your user interface elements.
## Additional Resources– [FlatUIColors GitHub Repository]( – Official repository containing the library source code and documentation
– [Adobe Photoshop Color Palette]( – Download the FlatUI color palette for Adobe Photoshop
– [Sketch Color Palette]( – Download the FlatUI color palette for Sketch
Feel free to explore the available resources to enhance your UI design process.
This page was last updated on [date].