Fasttt Camera is a powerful and lightweight camera library for iOS. It provides an easy-to-use interface for capturing and processing photos and videos in your app. With built-in support for filters, flash, focus, and more, Fasttt Camera simplifies the process of integrating camera functionality into your iOS app.
Key Features:
– Capture both photos and videos
– Apply filters to images in real-time
– Support for flash modes (auto, on, off)
– Tap to focus and adjust exposure
– Pinch to zoom in and out
– Configurable camera settings (resolution, quality, etc.)
– Front and rear camera support
– Easy integration with other libraries and frameworks
– Swift and Objective-C support
For installation, Fasttt Camera supports multiple methods. We recommend using CocoaPods or Carthage, but it can also be manually integrated into your project.
To install Fasttt Camera using CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile and run `pod install`:
pod ‘FastttCamera’
To use Carthage with Fasttt Camera, add the following line to your Cartfile:
github “IFTTT/FastttCamera”
Then, run `carthage update` to fetch and build the framework. Finally, add the built FastttCamera.framework to your project.
For manual integration, simply download the latest release of Fasttt Camera from GitHub and drag the included `.framework` file into your Xcode project.
To start using Fasttt Camera, first import the library into your view controller class:
import FastttCamera
Then, create an instance of `FastttCamera` and add it as a child view controller:
let fastCamera = FastttCamera()
override func viewDidLoad() {
fastCamera.view.frame = self.view.bounds
// Optional: Configure camera settings and delegate
fastCamera.delegate = self
fastCamera.cameraDevice = .rear
fastCamera.isCameraTorchOn = true
fastCamera.isCameraFlashOn = true
fastCamera.cameraFocusPointOfInterest = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
fastCamera.cameraZoomFactor = 1.0
// Start the camera
fastCamera.isCameraActive = true
Fasttt Camera provides delegate methods to handle various events. Implement these methods in your view controller to customize the camera behavior:
extension ViewController: FastttCameraDelegate {
func cameraController(_ cameraController: FastttCameraInterface, didFinishCapturingImage capturedImage: FastttCapturedImage) {
// Image capture completed. Implement your own logic here.
func cameraController(_ cameraController: FastttCameraInterface, didFinishCapturingVideo capturedVideo: FastttCapturedVideo) {
// Video capture completed. Implement your own logic here.
// Add more delegate methods as needed
Fasttt Camera offers various customization options to tailor the camera experience to your needs. Here are some examples:
– To add filters, import `CoreImage` and use the `filterImage` delegate method in your `FastttCameraDelegate` implementation.
– To enable tap-to-focus and adjust exposure, set `isDetectsTaps` and `isDetectsZoom` properties to true.
– To change flash modes programmatically, use `cameraFlashMode` property.
– To change camera device (front/rear), use `cameraDevice` property.
For more examples and detailed usage, please refer to the official Fasttt Camera documentation and sample projects available on GitHub.
Fasttt Camera is a versatile camera library for iOS that simplifies adding camera functionality to your app. With its comprehensive set of features and easy integration, it is an excellent choice for developers looking to enhance their apps with photo and video capturing capabilities. Get started with Fasttt Camera today and create amazing camera experiences for your users!