## Introduction
FBAnnotationClustering is a powerful framework designed for clustering annotations on maps. It offers developers a reliable solution for grouping multiple annotations into clusters, enhancing the readability and visual appeal of large datasets on maps.
## Features
– Intelligent clustering: FBAnnotationClustering utilizes advanced algorithms to intelligently group annotations based on their proximity on the map.
– Customizable clustering: Developers can easily customize the clustering algorithm to suit their specific requirements.
– Dynamic cluster updating: Clusters are automatically updated as the user zooms and pans the map, ensuring an interactive and responsive experience.
– Annotation appearance customization: Developers have full control over the visual appearance of the annotations and clusters on the map.
– Efficient memory management: FBAnnotationClustering employs efficient memory management techniques to handle large datasets without impacting app performance.
## Installation
To use FBAnnotationClustering in your iOS project, follow these steps:
1. **CocoaPods**: Add the following line to your Podfile and run `pod install`:
pod ‘FBAnnotationClustering’
2. **Manual**: Alternatively, you can manually integrate the framework by following these steps:
– Download the latest release of FBAnnotationClustering from the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/frederik-jacques/FBAnnotationClustering).
– Copy the `FBAnnotationClustering` directory into your Xcode project.
– Make sure to add the necessary dependencies mentioned in the repository’s README.
## Usage
To utilize FBAnnotationClustering in your iOS app, follow the steps below:
1. Import the framework in your view controller:
import FBAnnotationClustering
2. Initialize an instance of `FBAnnotationClusterView` and set it as the delegate for your map view:
let clusterView = FBAnnotationClusterView(mapView: yourMapView)
yourMapView.delegate = clusterView
3. Implement the `FBAnnotationClusterDelegate` protocol to customize the appearance and behavior of annotations and clusters. For example:
func clusterAnnotationForAnnotation(annotation: FBAnnotationCluster?, mapView: MKMapView) -> MKAnnotationView? {
// Customize the appearance of cluster annotations
func markerAnnotationForAnnotation(annotation: FBAnnotation?, mapView: MKMapView) -> MKAnnotationView? {
// Customize the appearance of individual annotations
4. Use the `FBAnnotationCluster` class for creating annotation clusters and the `FBAnnotation` class for individual annotations.
## Documentation
For more detailed information about using FBAnnotationClustering, refer to the following resources:
– [GitHub repository](https://github.com/frederik-jacques/FBAnnotationClustering): The official repository containing the source code and documentation for the framework.
– [API documentation](https://github.com/frederik-jacques/FBAnnotationClustering#api-documentation): Detailed documentation covering the framework’s API and usage examples.
– [Installation guide](https://github.com/frederik-jacques/FBAnnotationClustering#installation-guide): Step-by-step instructions for installing the framework using CocoaPods or manually.