Built specifically for iOS developers, Bluetonium is a powerful and efficient Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) development library that supports both Objective-C and Swift. With Bluetonium, you can easily develop robust applications that interact with BLE devices, enabling seamless integration and control.
Key Features
- Supports both Objective-C and Swift development
- Intuitive and easy-to-use API
- Flexible and comprehensive BLE device interaction
- Efficient multi-threading support
- Background execution and handling
- Powerful encryption and security features
- Advanced logging and debugging capabilities
To get started with Bluetonium, follow the steps below:
- Install Bluetonium via CocoaPods or manually download the library
- Import Bluetonium into your project
- Create an instance of BluetoniumManager to manage BLE interactions
- Implement the necessary delegate methods for desired functionality
- Scan for available BLE devices
- Connect and interact with the desired BLE device using Bluetonium’s API
- Handle data transmission, parsing, and encryption as needed
- Ensure proper handling of background execution and events
- Utilize Bluetonium’s logging and debugging features for troubleshooting
To demonstrate the capabilities of Bluetonium, below are some sample code snippets:
Objective-C Example
// Import Bluetonium framework
@import Bluetonium;
// Create BluetoniumManager instance
BluetoniumManager *manager = [[BluetoniumManager alloc] init];
// Set delegate for receiving callbacks
manager.delegate = self;
// Scan for available BLE devices
[manager scanForDevices];
// Implement delegate method for discovered devices
- (void)didDiscoverDevice:(BluetoniumDevice *)device {
// Handle discovered device
NSLog(@"Discovered device: %@", device.name);
// Connect to a specific device
[manager connectToDevice:device];
// Implement delegate method for successful device connection
- (void)didConnectToDevice:(BluetoniumDevice *)device {
// Handle successful connection
NSLog(@"Connected to device: %@", device.name);
Swift Example
// Import Bluetonium framework
import Bluetonium
// Create BluetoniumManager instance
let manager = BluetoniumManager()
// Set delegate for receiving callbacks
manager.delegate = self
// Scan for available BLE devices
// Implement delegate method for discovered devices
func didDiscoverDevice(_ device: BluetoniumDevice) {
// Handle discovered device
print("Discovered device: \(device.name)")
// Connect to a specific device
manager.connect(to: device)
// Implement delegate method for successful device connection
func didConnect(to device: BluetoniumDevice) {
// Handle successful connection
print("Connected to device: \(device.name)")
Bluetonium provides iOS developers with a comprehensive and efficient Bluetooth low-energy development library that simplifies interacting with BLE devices. Whether you are developing in Objective-C or Swift, Bluetonium offers an intuitive API, powerful features, and excellent documentation to ensure a smooth and successful integration of BLE functionality into your iOS applications.