## Introduction
Welcome to the documentation for AFOAuth2Client! This page provides detailed information and instructions on how to use AFOAuth2Client, an Objective-C client library for OAuth 2.0 authentication. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this documentation will guide you through the process of integrating OAuth 2.0 authentication into your iOS or macOS application using AFOAuth2Client.
## Features
- Supports authentication and authorization using OAuth 2.0 specification
- Handles token refresh, token expiration, and token invalidation
- Provides secure mechanism for making authenticated API requests
- Supports multiple authentication flows (authorization code, implicit, client credentials, etc.)
- Handles authentication errors and provides error handling mechanisms
## Installation
### Cocoapods
To install AFOAuth2Client using Cocoapods, follow these steps:
1. Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'AFOAuth2Client'
2. Run the command:
pod install
### Manual Installation
If you prefer to install AFOAuth2Client manually, follow these steps:
1. Download the AFOAuth2Client library from the official GitHub repository:
2. Copy the AFOAuth2Client.xcodeproj file into your Xcode project
3. Add AFOAuth2Client as a dependency to your target in Build Phases
## Getting Started
In this section, you’ll learn how to get started with AFOAuth2Client.
### Prerequisites
Before you can start using AFOAuth2Client, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:
- Xcode IDE installed
- Valid OAuth 2.0 credentials from your API provider
### Integration Steps
To integrate AFOAuth2Client into your application, follow these steps:
- Import the AFOAuth2Client library into your project
- Create an instance of AFOAuth2Manager and configure it with your OAuth provider’s base URL
- Set the client ID and secret obtained from your OAuth provider
- Implement the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow according to your chosen authorization grant type
- Handle authentication success or failure callbacks
- Make authenticated API requests using AFOAuth2Manager’s methods
### Code Examples
Below are some code examples demonstrating how to use AFOAuth2Client. Use these examples as reference to implement OAuth 2.0 authentication within your application.
// TODO: Add code examples here
## API Reference
This section provides a detailed API reference for AFOAuth2Client. It includes descriptions, usage examples, and available methods to help you understand and utilize the client library effectively.
### AFOAuth2Client Class
| Method | Description |
| — | — |
| `initWithBaseURL:` | Initializes an instance of AFOAuth2Client with a given base URL. |
| `authenticateUsingOAuthWithURLString:` | Authenticates the client using OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow. |
| `authenticateUsingOAuthWithImplicitGrant:` | Authenticates the client using OAuth 2.0 implicit grant flow. |
| `authenticateUsingOAuthWithClientCredentials:` | Authenticates the client using OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow. |
| `authenticateUsingOAuthWithRefreshToken:` | Authenticates the client using a refresh token. |
| `requestAccessTokenUsingMethod:` | Requests an access token using a custom HTTP method. |
| `validateAuthorizationCode:redirectURI:success:failure:` | Validates the authorization code for OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow. |
| `deauthorize` | Deauthorizes the client for subsequent requests. |
| `isAuthorized` | Checks if the client is authorized. |
| `clearCredential` | Clears the authentication credential. |
## Conclusion
Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to use AFOAuth2Client library for OAuth 2.0 authentication in your iOS or macOS application. You can now securely authenticate users and make authorized API requests. For more information and detailed usage, refer to the official AFOAuth2Client documentation.